Leds C4

Catálogo Led Architectural 2012 Página 14

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EL LED Y SUS VENTAJAS Las luminarias Led de LEDS-C4 estan preparadas para trabajar a distintas intensidades electricas segun las necesidades de nuestro cliente y caracteristicas de la luminaria. - 350mA (1w / led) aprox. - 500mA (2w / led) aprox. - 700mA (3w / led) aprox. Obtenemos mas eficiencia (lumen / watt) a menor intensidad electrica (mA) 4.- Extensa gama de colores por naturaleza. La uniformidad del bin  tonalidades de color blanco es uno de los retos mas dificiles que tienen los fabricantes de led. Los led estan disponibles en muchas tonalidades de blanco con temperaturas de color que van desde 2.700oK hasta 8.000oK LEDS-C4 ha centrado sus esfuerzos en asegurar que el bin de las diferentes luminarias sea el mas proximo posible entre ellas. THELED AND ITS ADVANTAGES The LEDS-C4 led lights are prepared to work at different electrical powers according to the needs of our clients and characteristics of the lights. - 350mA (1w / led) approx. - 500mA (2w / led) approx. - 700mA (3w / led) approx. We obtain more efficiency (lumen / watt) at lower electrical power (mA) 4.-Extensive range of colours by condition. The white bin code uniformity is one of the most difficult challenges that led manufacturers have to face. Led s are available in many shades of white with colour temperatures that go from 2,700oK to 8,000oK LEDS-C4 has focused its efforts on ensuring that the bin code of the different lights are as close as possible, TABLA DE DIFERENTES BINS (COLORES) BaCI+ 500 550 ?Na-D 600 SrOH SrCI+ CuCI 700nm ?5.- Encendido instantaneo 5.-Instantaneous switch-on El led tiene el encendido mas rapido comparado con las otras fuen- tes de luz convencionales que existen en el mercado. Siendo otra importante caracteristica de los led, que su vida no se reduce por las repetidas acciones de encendido y apagado. The led has the most rapid switch-on compared with other traditio- nal light sources on the market. Another important characteristic of the led is that its life is not shorte- ned by the repeated action of switching on and switching off. 400 /1 2

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