Leds C4

Catálogo Leds 2009 Página 10

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6.- Robustez extrema EL LED Y SUS VENTAJAS THE LED AND ITS ADVANTAGES 6.-Extrem robustness Surobustezesextraordinaria,elledesantivandalicopornaturaleza; insensible a vibraciones, golpes,... 7.- Luz direccional La luz del led es totalmente direccional, por lo que no existen perdi- das luminicas por reflexion. Esto contribuye notablemente a aumen- tar la eficiencia y rentabilidad de las luminarias. 8.- Ecologico Practicamente la totalidad del led es reciclable. No contiene mercu- rio ni otros elementos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Su diseno compacto reduce el volumen de la luminaria y del re- siduo. Ademas su facilidad para ser  dimeado nos permite reducir el con- sumo energetico. ENERGY SAVING 9.- No Infrarrojos, tampoco Ultravioletas. Los leds utilizados para la iluminacion solamente emiten flujo en el espectro visible de la luz que el ojo humano es capaz de percibir. Hay un elevado numero de aplicaciones, por ejemplo los museos, donde el led sera claramente una buena opcion gracias a esta ca- racteristica. Itsrobustnessisextraordinary,led sarevandal-proofbynature;una- ffected by vibrations, blows, ... 7.-Directional light Led lights are totally directional, meaning that there are no light los- ses due to reflection.This helps to significantly increase the efficiency and profitability of the lights, 8.-Ecological Practically all of an led is recyclable. It neither contains mercury nor other harmful elements for the environment. Its compact design reduces the volume of the light itself and its waste. In addition the ease with which it can be dimmed allows us to redu- ce energy consumption even more. ENERGY SAVING 9.-No Infrared or Ultraviolet rays The led s used for lighting only emit light flow in the visible spectrum of light that the human eye is capable of receiving. There are many applications, in museums for example, where led s will clearly be a good option thanks to this characteristic.

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