Arturo Alvarez

Catálogo 2010 Página 12

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nevo 22 Una forma viva que parece en constante evolucion. Una nube de curvas sugerentes, de volumenes imposibles en la que el ANO/YEAR futuro se entrelaza con el 2007 presente de forma sutil. Una forma desacomplejada trabajada con materiales de ultima generacion. A vibrant shape that 23 seems to be constantly changing. A cloud of suggestive curves, of impossible volumes where the future intersects with the present in a subtle way. A self-confident shape made of cutting- edge materials. ?MALLA CON SILICONA: Arturo Alvarez desarrolla un nuevo material a partir de la exploracion y mezcla de materiales cotidianos, asi surge la combinacion de malla metalica con silicona: flexible, lavable, moldeable permite conseguir grandes volumenes, plisados aportando una luz muy calida y envolvente. MESH WITH SILICONE: Arturo Alvarez develops a new material from the exploration and mixture of daily life materials, in that way appears the combination between metallic mesh and silicone: flexible, washable, malleable so it allows to obtain big volumes, pleated so to provide with a very warm and wrapping light. NE04G (?100x30 | h:200 cm)

Página 12 / 95

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